Level of detail in the NDCs

There is much variation in the level of detail provided in the adaptation components of the NDCs. While some comprise a basic outline of general adaptation actions, others are more detailed: they describe specific sets of actions aimed at addressing specific impacts or vulnerable sectors and include at least some quantitative and/or time-bound costed adaptation targets. As you will see below, there is much regional variation in the level of detail provided, with most detail provided in the adaptation components of the NDCs of African nations.

Level of adaptation detail vs nations

Nations vary in how much detail they provide in their NDC adaptation plans

64% of NDCs have detailed or specific actioned adaptation plans, with a bias towards lower income nations. This has increased from 30% in 2016. While 97% of NDCs from low and lower-middle income nations include adaptation plans (of which 81% are detailed), only 78% of NDCs from upper-middle and high income nations include adaptation plans (of which only 47% are detailed).

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  • Detailed adaptation plan
  • Some detail in adaptation plan
  • No details in adaptation plan
  • No adaptation component
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