Adaptation targets and costs

Compared to mitigation where there is substantial effort to measure and monitor progress towards country targets much less headway has been made on measuring and tracking adaptation. Without specific, measurable targets and suitable indicators, progress towards broad adaptation goals cannot be assessed. As you will discover by exploring the maps, country fact sheets and graphs below, while many countries articulate a theoretical commitment to adaptation actions this rarely translates into clear targets. Even where measurable targets are set, it is unclear whether these draw on the best available science and local knowledge or whether they will be sufficient to meet the adaptation needs of the communities and ecosystems involved.

Overview of adaptation targets set in the NDCs

Most nations do not set measurable adaptation targets in their NDCs

Measurable targets generally involve the protection or restoration of specific areas of habitat within given timeframes. For example, Belize states that it will “Strengthen resilience of local coastal communities and enhance the ecosystem services provided by mangroves through the restoration of at least 2,000 hectares of mangroves including within local communities by 2025, with an additional 2,000 hectares by 2030”. Other NDCs have targets that are more difficult to measure. For example, Cabo Verde aims to “design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way […by] enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats by 2030”.

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